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Scrambled Eggs on a Toasted English Muffin, Topped with CROE Caviar (Serves 2)
4 Large Eggs
15g Unsalted Butter
2 English Muffins
1 Tablespoon Chives, Finely Chopped
2 Tablespoons CROE CaviarMethod:
1. Place a saucepan on a medium-low heat.
2. Crack the eggs into a bowl and lightly whisk.
3. Add the butter to the pan and follow with the eggs.
4. Gently stir the eggs every 30-60 seconds with a spatula. As they lighten and start to set, remove from the heat and season with salt and pepper.
5. Serve on the buttered, toasted crumpets, and top with the chopped chives and caviar. Serve immediately.

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