6 large Live Razor Clams
100ml Good Quality White Wine
100ml Fish or Vegetable Stock
100ml Double Cream
1 Tablespoon Chervil, chopped
25g Picked Samphire or Sea Purslane
2 Spring Onions, Thinly Sliced
1 Lemon
20g Unsalted Butter
50g CROE Beluga Caviar
- Place a large pan with a lid on high heat. Once the pan is hot, place the razor clams in and pour over the white wine.
- Replace the lid until the razor clams are just popping open. Remove from the heat immediately and remove the clams from the pan and put to one side (if the clams over cook, they will become tough and rubbery).
- The clams will have released their juices into the wine, leaving a sauce packed with flavour. Pass the liquid through a fine sieve or muslin cloth to remove any sediment from the clams, and then return the liquid to a clean pan and reduce until almost completely evaporated.
- Add the stock and reduce by half.
- Meanwhile, remove the clams from their shells (but reserve 4 for plating), and scrape away any gritty parts you can see. Place them into a bowl of cold water to rinse.
- Drain the clams and you should be left with beautiful white meat.
- Place the thinly sliced spring onions in ice cold water to crisp them up and remove any harshness or bitterness from the flavour.
- Once the stock has reduced by half, add the cream and leave to reduce by half again.
- Blanch the sea herbs in boiling water for 5 seconds and then dress with a little olive oil and lemon juice.
- Once the sauce has reduced, add a squeeze of lemon and it’s ready to serve.
- Place the shells on your preferred plates. Mix the cooked razor clams into the sauce and gently warm them through. Add the chervil and delicately place to sit into the shells.
- Garnish with the blanched sea herbs and spring onion, before finishing with spoonfuls of CROE Beluga Caviar. Serve immediately.